Susanna Braund Awarded Medal by Collège de France

Susanna Braund was nominated by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies to a visiting professorship at the Collège de France in Paris and she was then elected by the Assemblée des Professeurs, at the proposal of Professor John Scheid, to visit during the month of June 2014. During that month she gave a ‘cours’ of four lectures at the Collège, as well as participating in a conference on the reception of Horace at the Sorbonne. She also organized a Wall Colloquium Abroad on Virgil and his translators, in collaboration with Siobhán McElduff, at the Institut d’Études Avancées at its new premises on the Île Saint Louis. She finished her European tour by attending the Symposium Cumanum on Virgil and his translators at the Villa Vergiliana near Naples where she gave the keynote address. Her four French lectures, videos of which are all posted on the Collège de France website, were on the topic of “La réception des poètes latins dans la littérature européenne”:

Le cas étrange du livret latin de l’Œdipe roi de Stravinsky (June 2)

La signification du choix de la forme métrique dans les traductions européennes de L’Énéide de Virgile (June 16)

Le phénomène des traductions partielles : le cas de l’Énéide et des bucoliques de Virgile (June 19)

Tableau et spectacles : l’appréciation de Sénèque par les dramaturges européens des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, surtout Garnier, Dryden et Lee (June 23).

She was presented with a unique medal from the Paris mint which shows the Collège de France (founded in 1530) on one side and on the reverse Guillaume Budé, the pioneering French scholar who helped found the revival of interest in classical books and learning in the early sixteenth century. Budé was one of the founders of the Collège de France and his statue stands in one of the courtyards of the Collège. Susanna’s name is engraved on the rim of the medal.

Susanna_medal Susanna and Budé